
Showing posts from June, 2020


It is said that readers are the leaders or vice a versa. I have too very bad addiction of reading because I love to read books ranges from legal, motivation, self-help and skills related. I have read many books which I am listing here for those who may have similar liking for books, and also mentioned what I learnt from those books. So, here you go: 1. Biography of Chanakya : I think Chanakya needs no introduction at least in India. When I read about his life I learnt that how you can convert insult into fire and transform that for your good. 2. The Secret : This is also one of the famous books people have read so far across the globe. And I must mentioned that this is one of the most misunderstood books. The theme of the book is how you can think of positive affirmations and get the real result; but readers have taken this message so literally that they start doing funny things. So, as per my opinion one must not read this book at a very young age. 3. Rich Dad and Poor Dad : This is