
Showing posts with the label MY OBSERVATION


I think we all must have thought of one question that what is the purpose of this life? Each person answers this question very differently. Also, answer varies at which stage of life that person is, like youngster defines this as being successful or achieve or accumulate material wealth. But before giving much weightage to any single answer, let's understand other aspect beyond our physical existence. We live on this earth which is one of the tiny planet in our galaxy (milkyway) which is itself one of the billion galaxies in this universe. The life on earth is coincidence otherwise a little less or more distance from Sun would have made temprtaure more hot or cold and there would be no life. If Jupitor alignment is not what it is then so many asteroid would have hit earth. Nobody knows why it is so but this is what it is. But what we could say that it is chain of innumerable of events happened in past which made life on earth possible. Again, come to our question - what is purpose


We all in our life, are trying to find ways and tips to live a meaningful life. In search of the same, I also read books and watched stuff online, and try to summarise those learnings into following 6 heads as a constant reminder for myself and for my reader to live a life in a better way: 1. Collect knowledge marks : If You are currently doing a job or business, you would agree with me that there is no correlation between your marks (collection of degree) and what you do in your life but by saying so I don't have any intention that one should not go to school or college. If you don't have any superior purpose or alternative, then there is no harm to go to school or colleges because these places are meant to appreciate a way of life and to give a real education which liberates you but in India, the statement works in reverse direction. The more you gain formal education, the more you will be fearless fearful and find yourself in anxiety. Instead of focussing on a degree we mu