We all in our life, are trying to find ways and tips to live a meaningful life. In search of the same, I also read books and watched stuff online, and try to summarise those learnings into following 6 heads as a constant reminder for myself and for my reader to live a life in a better way:

1. Collect knowledge marks:

If You are currently doing a job or business, you would agree with me that there is no correlation between your marks (collection of degree) and what you do in your life but by saying so I don't have any intention that one should not go to school or college. If you don't have any superior purpose or alternative, then there is no harm to go to school or colleges because these places are meant to appreciate a way of life and to give a real education which liberates you but in India, the statement works in reverse direction. The more you gain formal education, the more you will be fearless fearful and find yourself in anxiety. Instead of focussing on a degree we must try to get the right knowledge and don't become a Chatur of 3 Idiots.

2. Collect skills degrees:

when we are exposed to the practical world, then it is not the degree or marks but the set of skills that help you to grow in your life or atleast to help you to survice in tough time. The market hardly matters what set of degrees you have unless you have the skills to get the work done. If you have watched the movie padman which is based on a true story, teaches you that you don't need the bulk of degrees but skills, intention, and resources to get the work done.

3. Collect friends things:

Most of the time, we put all our efforts to collect things/money and forget that money alone is not everything. We also need a company of people with whom we can talk, share our problems, cherish some moments, and here I am not talking about your Instagram followers, Facebook friends. We all must give time to our family, loved-one because in adversity only these people stand with us, not those virtual friends.

Whenever I achieve something in my life I share such moments with my loved-one because they have seen my progress from nobody to somebody in the chaotic world, because the people with whom I currently associate, see me as what I am today but they have not seen or been there with me in my struggles. So, always have some good people in your life with whom you can grow older.

4. Focus on health wealth:

In the race of life, we usually put our health on a rear seat. And by the time when we achieve our so-called "success", our health is almost collapsed to the ground and we are left with no energy and time to spend the money, accumulated at the cost of our health.

But this does not mean that we should not earn or accumulate money. No one can say that he or she can survive without money but we should not ignore our health (both physical and mental) and I think one hour in a day to your health can provide you enough fuel for the rest of your day. So, atleast give one hour to yourself (do whatever you want to do be it going to gym, morning walk, yoga, talk to yourself or just sit with ease)

Our body is itself a very complex structure. Our mind and body both complement each other; you can not have a good body if your mind is upset and vice-a-versa. So, take care of this complex nature machine.

5. Have a singular plural focus:

You must have heard from most of your known people (parents, friends, or relatives) that they really worked hard in their lives but were not able to achieve much. And few people curse their destiny(most stupid class).

But if you intrigue or look into their life you will find that they don't have a single goal (or no clarity in life) because it is next to impossible that a person working on one goal, does not achieve success.

Here let me clear that success is very subjective term. Success is not always measured in money. Few measures success in happiness, few in money, few in doing what they love, few in luxurious life. So, most important aspect is to define your success in your way and it can't be money alone because I always believe that money is only a by-product of your efforts.
Initially, it might happen that what you doing passionately, has no market to sell but it does not mean you should stop doing that. You can do a job for time-being through which you can earn until you find a market to sell your talent.

"Even Elbert Einstein was a temporary high school teacher before he was tagged as the Greatest Scientist of the Century. You may take it like, first he secured a job and simultaneously involved himself into writing research papers which eventually led him to gain so much of popularity".
I guess Einstein would have had no clue that his research papers would bring him into the limelight. The reason behind his success that he did his research just out of passion greed and he never thought to drive any material gain out these writings.

There could be thousands of such examples which may teach you that people who loved their work so much reached the epitome in their career. So, the only point which I want to make is that do what you love with a singular idea in your mind and perhaps you would become the Einstein of your career.

6. Find your purpose position:

In the 5th point above, I told you to work on a single goal or purpose of your life. I have read somewhere the following lines:

"There is no limit what a human can achieve if he does not mind who gets the credit."

A position might be important for you if you seek external validation of your work. Most people can not digest this statement because their whole life revolves around doing politics and getting pleasure out of that. So, I am excluding those sick people from this.

So, it is very imperative to find one thing which you love to do, which you can do 24x7. And, once you find your purpose, stick to that, and it does not matter whether you earn or not initially, because most people try to link their passion to money and when they find that pursuing passion does not amount to money, they QUIT.

"If you really love something then make it the sole purpose of your life, and rest everything is secondary."

Luckily, we are living in an era where we can add value to this world by following our passion.

"If you love cooking then just do the cooking and don't do banking just because Bank pays well."

If we all can be a little more gritty to follow our purpose, and apply the above first 5 points there will be a goldmine for each one of us.

I just attempted to decode such a complex topic in a simple language and I know there are so many flaws in my writing or expressions. But I hope you can sense what I am trying to say and it is not like that just for the purpose of writing I wrote these points rather I personally try to follow these points in my life and I can guarantee you that if you follow these points in your life, you may not be world's richest person but definitely can become world's happiest person.


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