It is said that readers are the leaders or vice a versa. I have too very bad addiction of reading because I love to read books ranges from legal, motivation, self-help and skills related. I have read many books which I am listing here for those who may have similar liking for books, and also mentioned what I learnt from those books. So, here you go:

1. Biography of Chanakya: I think Chanakya needs no introduction at least in India. When I read about his life I learnt that how you can convert insult into fire and transform that for your good.

2. The Secret: This is also one of the famous books people have read so far across the globe. And I must mentioned that this is one of the most misunderstood books. The theme of the book is how you can think of positive affirmations and get the real result; but readers have taken this message so literally that they start doing funny things. So, as per my opinion one must not read this book at a very young age.

3. Rich Dad and Poor Dad: This is one of the best book I have read so far on personal finance and must advise every person who just started a business or job to read this. I love one part of this books where author explained the difference between Asset and Liabilities; and just because of this whenever I buy anything; I always remember whether it is an asset or liability for me. This book taught me practical lessons on personal finance.

4. The power of your subconscious mind: You may call it more refined version of the Book 'Secret'. I learnt from this book that you must always be cautious of the things,  people and their words around you because these things shape your brain, attitude and many other things and you do not even know that they are changing you. Because of this books, I started reading more books and focus on positive things.

5. Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta: Undoubtedly this is one of the greatest books in human history and will remain forever. Explaining the teachings of this book in this post is impossible but I would definitely say that if your life revolves around confusion, you have no clarity, you are greedy, you can't focus on single thing and many others problems then you must read this book. The lessons which this books taught me:
  • Don't interfere in other person life
  • Accept the things as they are
  • Have courage to accept the outcome of your actions
  • Do not compare your life with others
Most people deprive themselves by not reading this book because they consider it as Hindu religious book.

6. The 7 habits of Highly Effective people: This is one book which everybody must read irrespective of their profession, age, gender etc. All seven habits are essential to live a balance and happy life but what I learnt:
  • Little bit about time management
  • Take care of yourself (Production capabilities) so that you may earn (production); P/PC balance.
  • One prayer which I love the most: "Lord, give me the courage to change the things which can and ought to be changed, the serenity to accept the things which cannot be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference."
  • Keep on Sharpening your skills.
And, this book and Bhagwat Geeta is not the one-time read rather these are reference modules which you must read again and again.

7. Biology of Belief: When I read this book, it completely change my perception of human existence. You might not like this book.

8. I am the Mind: This book is about human behaviour which helps me to understand my nature and human psychology.

Listing books of my choice is not a recommendation to read these books and even don't think that books reading will make you rich; but reading book definitely make you better.


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